by Virginia

PROBLEMS: This year, as on several occasions in the past, I am going to take a long trip. I'll be away from home from about the middle of June to the middle of September. I'm taking a trip called the Lost Worlds Tour which goes all through Central Asia in the lands of Genghis Khan and Tamerlane and other early heroes. The majority of the trip will be inside the Soviet Union, not only Leningrad, Moscow and Kiev in European Russia, but to a lot of less well known places like Alma Ata, Ulan Bator, Irkutak, etc.

Well, the reason for telling you this is that in order to keep TVia coming to you during the time I am away I have been working not only on this issue which will probably come out just before I leave, but on 85 and 86 to come out while I am gone. This poses problems because it means that I have to eat into material and pictures until the backlog is practically exhausted. So if you wish to have this magazine continue after No. 86 you will have to have some material and some pictures waiting here when I return so I'll have something to put No. 87 together with.

I'd particularly ask you to write up some of your true life ex- periences if they are really interesting. I don't want articles relating "first I put on my nylons, then my panties, next my slip" and all that jazz. I like to think that the readers of this publication are, in the majori- ty, beyond that stage. I mean interesting actual events that someone else would enjoy living through vicariously. At the same time there are some experiences that though true, nobody would want to live through such as accidents or confrontations with the police, etc. Yet these types of events are educational or instructive or serve as warnings about what not to do, etc. I'm out of everything so everything is welcome, but I just put in a plug for other things than fiction because it is easier to